What is Noonan syndrome? (Part 1)
What is Noonan syndrome (NS) ? Noonan syndrome (NS) is a genetic order which prevents normal development in various parts of the body and can affect people in a variety of ways. (Mayo Clinic, N,D.) Some of these include: 1) Unusual facial characteristics; 2) Short stature; 3) Heart defects, and 4) Possible developmental delays. A child acquires NS after receiving an affected gene from one parent, however, it can also occur as a Spontaneous mutation meaning there is no familial history involved. What are the symptoms of NS? Like other conditions, the symptoms of NS vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe. Areas affected include: facial features, the heart, growth issues, musculoskeletal problems, eye conditions, hearing problems, and bleeding issues. Facial features The eyes of a person with NS are typically set wide apart and slant downward with droopy lids. Their ears tend to be low set and rota...